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Remini Web
Subscriptions and payments
Subscriptions and payments
Subscription options
What options do I have to start a subscription?
What will I get with my subscription?
What currency will I pay in for my subscription?
How can I upgrade from Personal to Business subscription?
Can I use my Remini Web subscription on the mobile app?
How do I cancel my Remini Web subscription?
I’ve canceled my subscription to Remini Web, but I’m still being charged.
I can't cancel my subscription through my personal account.
Can I request a refund for Remini Web?
Subscription Management
I'm subscribed to Remini Web, but I’m receiving multiple charges
Where do I see and download my past invoices?
I paid for a subscription to Remini Web but I still see watermarks
My subscription was renewed but my images count wasn't reset.
Account management
Can I create a shared company account to use Remini Web for my business?
Can I change the email address I used to create my account?
How do I cancel or edit my account?
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