If you have canceled your subscription to Remini Web, but you’re still receiving charges for it, make sure to verify the following:
- Double-check that you've effectively canceled your recurring subscription by following our steps. Once you tap or click the Cancel plan button in your account’s Subscription section, you’ll need to confirm your choice by clicking or tapping the Yes, cancel button in the pop-up that appears afterward. This step is crucial for the website to register your cancellation request, make sure you confirm your choice until the end!
- Double-check that you don't have an additional subscription that was started on our mobile app. If you do, make sure you cancel it by following our instructions dedicated to the Remini app. Please note that, while our website shares some features with Remini's mobile app, the two services remain substantially different and different processes must be followed.
If these steps don't resolve your concerns, you might be facing one of the following scenarios:
It is possible that you have started a subscription through a different channel. To avoid unnecessary charges, follow these steps:
- Make sure to review your subscription details by looking for our welcome email in your inbox: both the login channel and registered email address are specified in our first email!
- Try using other email addresses or login channels (Apple/Google or Facebook) that might be linked to your Remini subscription to find the one you used when the plan was activated. Follow the dedicated instructions to cancel any redundant subscriptions.
The charges you see might be due to previously failed payments going through a retry process. When a payment fails due to insufficient funds, our system may attempt to process it again in the following days, which can result in multiple transactions being charged within a short period of time.
❗️These charges are to be expected even if you’ve already unsubscribed from the service, as they refer to previous payments that weren't successful on the first attempt. We suggest to:
- Check your payment method to ensure there are no issues. Make sure you have sufficient funds and that your payment information is up to date.
- Review your billing history to see if any retries were processed successfully after you requested to unsubscribe.
Misunderstanding the details of your subscription can lead to confusion about billing cycles and renewal dates. To understand your current status and upcoming charges, log into your account and review the subscription details by clicking on My account > Subscription > Manage your subscription by tapping here.
❓ Should these steps not resolve your issue, please submit your request through our website:
1. Click on My Account
2. Click on Contact us
3. Fill out the form
Make sure to select the appropriate topic, so we'll be able to process your request quickly.