If you’ve tried following the steps included in How do I cancel my Remini Web subscription? without success, chances are you’re experiencing one of the following:
👉🏻 You have logged into the wrong account.
Since you may have created more than one profile and are now accessing one that’s not subscribed. To identify the correct account, please follow these steps:
- Try using other email addresses or login channels (Apple/Google or Facebook) that might be linked to your Remini Web subscription to find the one you used when the plan was activated.
- Look for our welcome email in your inbox: both the login channel and registered email address are specified in our first email!
👉🏻 You’re accessing Remini Web through a browser that’s not compatible with our website.
Try changing your browser to a different one and logging in via desktop instead of using a smartphone.
👉🏻 You have used Apple Hide My Email (@privaterelay) to create your account.
Using Apple’s Hide My Email feature can result in a unique, randomized email address that you may not recognize later. Check your Apple ID settings to find the Hide My Email address linked to your subscription and log in with this address. For more details, refer to Apple's support on managing Hide My Email.
👉🏻 You have lost access to the account that you used to register on Remini Web
If you have lost the credentials and no longer have access, contact your email provider to recover your email account first.
👉🏻 You might have subscribed to our Remini mobile app through yourplan.remini.ai
While our website shares some features with Remini's mobile app, the two services remain substantially different and different conditions apply. To identify your account:
- Check any communication you received by email regarding the subscription or charge confirmation.
- Follow the instructions on the dedicated article
❓ Should these steps not resolve your issue, please submit your request through our website:
1. Click on My Account
2. Click on Contact us
3. Fill out the form to submit a request
Make sure to select the appropriate topic, so we'll be able to process your request quickly.